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  • Writer's pictureKeirsten Docherty

Call for Research Volunteers

The Stettler & District History Book Committee relies on the work of our dedicated volunteers. We appreciate their contributions so much!

Right now, we really need more volunteers to help carry out some of the final

research required to complete certain files. For example, we have a file for "Football." It currently contains 9 miscellaneous photos and a short article. We need a knowledgeable volunteer to look through the materials we have gathered, add more relevant information, and write up a story about the history of football in Stettler.

Here are some other topics that we need research volunteers for:

- Sports: football, baseball, skating rinks, volleyball, badminton, basketball

-Arts: Art & Murals, Stettler Bands, Performing Arts Groups

-County Communities: Botha, Warden, Fenn, Big Valley Jamboree, Boss Hill

-Clubs: Stettler Car Clubs

-Other: Utilities, Communications, Transportation, Various Businesses

If you or someone you know may be interested in helping us out with one of these topics, please contact us! We can help you through the process. If you don't feel comfortable writing up a story, we would still love to interview you if you know any information about these topics. Please email or call Stan at 403-740-4799.

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